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Intelligent vacuum universal circuit breaker

Changshu Switch Manufacturing Co., Ltd. After years of dedicated research Based on the CW3 series of universal circuit breakers, a vacuum based CW3V series vacuum universal circuit breaker with arc extinguishing medium (below Short for circuit breaker. The CW3V vacuum circuit breaker adheres to the principle of CW3 interruption The circuit breaker has complete protection functions, multiple measurement parameters, and rich maintenance functions Advantages, but with higher electrical and mechanical life and more ratings Short circuit breaking times, stronger arc extinguishing ability, and the ability to achieve true Zero flashover in the sense, especially suitable for fields with relatively harsh environments The AC690V and 1140V power supply TN, TT, and IT systems involved. Open circuit The device can not only protect the circuit, but also protect the motor (The circuit breaker meets the motor protection requirements of GB50055) Motor (circuit breaker meets GB755 requirements for generator protection), etc Equipment protection provides users with safer, more reliable, and more comprehensive protection Low voltage distribution protection scheme for the face.

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Copyright:Changshu swItchgear,ltd.(Former Changshu switchgear plant)   苏ICP备10211285号   Powery 
